Enhancing Lending: Better Data, Accurate Scoring, Greater Returns.

Unleash the future of lending: Transforming Access, Cutting Fraud, Maximising Returns, and Empowering Markets.

Get Started
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Benefits for Lenders

  • Access to Digital and Mobile Technology

    Gain access to advanced technology without upfront capital investment.

  • Reduced Fraud

    Benefit from secure pooling of intelligence and scoring data to reduce fraud.

  • Efficient Capital Deployment

    Deploy capital more efficiently with our streamlined processes.

  • Improved Risk Controls

    Enhance profitability and deliver better results with improved risk controls.

  • Positive Market Impact

    Create a greater positive impact on consumers and MSMEs in your markets.


The Perfect Blend of Features for Your Company

Great for businesses of all sizes
Lead Assessment

Analyze lead data to determine potential and conversion likelihood.

Lead Scoring

Assign scores based on credit score, behavior, interactions, and demographics.


Categorize scored leads for a targeted marketing approach.


Prioritize leads based on scoring and engagement for resource allocation.


Continuously optimize leads and ensure frequent assessment for better outcomes.

Contact Us

MUIAA Pesa is a mobile app solution that aims to streamline the digital lending process for both lenders and borrowers. This app is directed at, and made available to, persons in Kenya only.

All Rights Reserved. © MUIAA Pesa.

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